Rangs Naharz, Suite 5B, Level 5, 14-Shahjalal Ave, Sector 4, Uttara, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh                  +8802-48964804, 48959688 


Sustainability at ALLIANCE VENTURES means working towards meeting the needs of the people and society, without compromising the needs of future generations. In other words, acting in the long-term interests of the many. ALLIANCE VENTURES believes in taking a holistic sustainability approach including the entire design process, manufacturing and supply chain.
At ALLIANCE VENTURES, we are proud that we live in sustainability philosophy and we believe it is a journey where learning and improvement are continuous. We are extremely sincere on following up on our ambitions and commitments to drive an increasingly sustainable business and increasingly sustainable business relations.

Care for Planet

ALLIANCE enacts procedures to establish and track progress toward sustainability goals that address a) reduction of greenhouse gas emissions b) management of water use – quantity & quality c) improved energy & resources efficiency and d) waste reduction etc.


ALLIANCE leadership team had been working for different global/listed/Fortune500 companies like DuPont, Huntsman, Avery Dennison, Checkpoint/CCL, Coats PLC, Alcatel Lucent/Nokia, USAID for more than 25 years. Thus, they are formally trained & well familiar with all compliance requirements for the listed companies and companies originated in highly regulated countries along with FCPA, Anti-Trust, Anti Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Anti-Bribery, Conflict of Interest, Counterfeit and Forgery, SoX, C-TPAT, ESG, Inclusive & responsible business regulations etc. Thus, ethical business is in the DNA of ALLIANCE! 


ALLIANCE leadership team had been working for different global/listed/Fortune500 companies like DuPont, Huntsman, Avery Dennison, Checkpoint/CCL, Coats PLC, Alcatel Lucent/Nokia, USAID for more than 25 years. Thus, they are formally trained & well familiar with all compliance requirements for the listed companies and companies originated in highly regulated countries along with FCPA, Anti-Trust, Anti Money Laundering, Tax Evasion, Anti-Bribery, Conflict of Interest, Counterfeit and Forgery, SoX, C-TPAT, ESG, Inclusive & responsible business regulations etc. Thus, ethical business is in the DNA of ALLIANCE! 


Occupational Health & Safety and Respect for people is our core value & key priority for ALLIANCE. We treat our employees and all our partners with professionalism, dignity and respect, fostering an environment where people can contribute, innovate, excel & enjoy. We are committed to the protection and advancement of Human Rights wherever we operate and have respect to the similar expectations of our stakeholders/partners too. ALLIANCE will never tolerate the use of child or forced labor, slavery or human trafficking in any of our VENTURES, INITIATIVES & FACILITIES.

We don't limit ourselves to a compliance benchmark, when it comes about work environment. We do prioritize it and keep caring with sincerity

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